Listed below are the product features of Business Finance. If you need any further information please email us on or call us on 3314955.

Company Should be legally registered company
Guarantor Guarantor an individual/ customer of a creditworthy person may be obtained to strengthen the application of a prospective customer lacking credit history but acceptable in all other aspects.
Amount Minimum loan amount FJD5000
Term From 6months to 7years
Repayment Repayment is by monthly installments of principle and interest
Security Lien/ Mortgage over property
Insurance The customer will insure the assets detailed against loss or damage by fire, cyclone, and such other risks with the Bank’s interest noted on the policy document. The required minimum level of insurance cover for Bank purposes will be reviewed by the bank from time to time. It will be the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that the required minimum level of cover as set from time to time is maintained throughout the term of the facilities. The cost of all premiums will be for the account of the Customer.